
Antiphellos - Kas

Kas, one of the most famous tourist resorts along the southern coast of Turkey . But it is also famous from the historic point of view because Kas was originally the ancient town of Antiphellus , harbour of the town of Phellus which stood in front of it. Kas was once known, only the Lycian rock cut tombs and sarcophagi are left. Founded during the 6th century B.C., it soon become an important trading port and, wood exporting port from the green forest that covered Lycia . On the top of the hill, offering a view over the creeks and inlets, stands a Theatre built during the 1st century B.C. Today also can be seen the charm of the town remains, and it is a pleasure to wander through the streets, stopping to examine souvenir shops that offer Turkish handicrafts, leather goods, copper and silver items of course inevitable handmade carpets. Kas also offers you very nice rooms with its in-located hotels, cheap motels and pensions and delicious Fish restaurants offers you a Sea variety with Calamar and wines.
Kas is a place to experience the fascinating wonders of art, history, sea and forest all at once. Kas will certainly satisfy your desire to discover some unspoiled spots. It is a little town with a bunch of houses around the main street and the teahouses where the fishermen and the tourists exchange their stories. The local fishermen are very friendly and will gladly take you with their fishing boats to the wonderful bays and coves along the coast. There are also daily excursions by boats to places which have touristic attractions such as Kekova, Simena, Ucagiz and Blue Cave , which is 35m long and 18m wide with a fascinating attraction. Kas has remained completely unspoiled since, until recent times, it was possible to reach there only by sea or on horseback. Although it cannot be defined as developed, it has all the comforts of a well-equipped holiday resort. There is a marina where the yachts can easily obtain their needs. Kas is a remarkable spot for a ‘Blue Voyage’. The bays are for the divers who want to explore the underwater world, which is as rich as the region itself, if you would like to have some sun, sea and sand, and then you will choose one of the boat excursions to Patara or Kaputas. The theatre stands in very good condition and the Lycian tombs will give you clues about ancient Antiphellos on which Kas is situated. Around Kas, for sightseeing, there are many historical places still preserving the air of the Lycian; Phellos 12 kms to Kas, an outpost town with many valuable remains and Trysa; Theimussa (Ucagiz), 34 kms to Kas, the oldest Lycian city now sheltering plenty of tombs and inscriptions in Lycian. It is also the last point you will reach by car. If you are going to Kekova you can take a boat from here. Kekova is the name of the region of fascinating islands, bays, and ancient cities. Kekova has a rarely seen attraction: Apollonia; a sunken city along the shore of the island. The geological movements caused the city on the island to submerge, creating a strange scene with half of the city under water and half above. (Underwater diving is strictly forbidden in this area in order to protect the remnants.) Simena (Kalekoy) which is accessible only by sea, will provide you with a bird’s eye-view of the marvels of Kekova from the top of its castle, Xanthos, (Kinik) which was the capital of ancient Lycia, is a mixture of ruins from Lycian, Byzantine and Roman times, and Kyaenai, Aperlai and Apollonia are of interest due to their archeological wealth. Kas is a proper place for trekking since it is surrounded by high mountains. You may visit the remote villages and ancient remains while climbing up for splendid views. Mount Kizlar Sivrisi (3086 m) and Mount Akdag (3030 m ) are for professional climbing. For those who would like to spend some days on that high, breathing the fresh air, Gombe, Ucarsa and Yesil Gol High Meadows are the most suitable places.

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