

The old town of Side is a joy with the ancient roman ruins mixed in between bars, restaurants and shops. The main area of the town is pedestrianised and it's a wonderful place to visit in the early evening to window shop, buy some bargains, have a drink or grab a bite to eat. It has a great atmosphere but it can get busy in the height of the season.
The ruins of the ancient city mingle with the new, and despite its development as a resort, it retains its own very special atmosphere and charm. Its impressive second century theatre, supported by arched vaults, offers fine views towards the sea and you can still see the remains of an ancient street lined with pillars and arcades and the market place where slaves were once sold. Nearby the Agora Baths Museum contains a beautifully restored fifth century bath house and some interesting statues and artifacts.Side is a well established holiday resort and has a wide selection of shopping opportunities, bars and restaurants to suit the very cosmopolitan collection of holidaymakers who visit the area. The bustling, colorful streets leading down to the sea offer bargains galore. There are shops selling Turkish Delight, designer jeans (both fake and real but all at lower prices than at home), handcrafted embroidery, lace table cloths and serviettes, carpets, leather goods and a wonderful selection of gold and silver jewelery. The Saturday market is also worth a visit for clothes, lace, fresh fruit and vegetables.
The beach is, of course, one of Side' main attractions, and it is hard to rival the quality of the sand or the length of the beach, with plenty of space to sunbathe even in high season.
The beaches are situated to the east and west of the old town - to the west is the main hotel area so the beaches are busier with more activities. To the east the beach is undeveloped and much quieter - wander amongst the sand dunes and be surprised by ancient ruins.
Lovers of history will love the opportunity to just wander around in Side, but to understand the history of the place a guided tour helps to get a sense of perspective. They should also take the opportunity to visit Perge another wonderful ancient site, where St Paul preached his first sermon, or Termessos an old fortress city high in the hills. As an alternative to history take a day trip on the Manavgat River, visit the pretty village of Manavgat and the famous waterfalls. With such a fantastic beach area there is a wide selection of water sports available to suit all age groups.
There is no shortage of places to go after sundown and many bars stay open until late. Set in a little side street, Café Dreams serves cocktails, wines and spirits in comfortable, relaxing surroundings with live music most nights. The atmosphere and good music of Stones near the temple of Apollo makes it popular with the British, while the Temple next door is frequented by Turkish and British alike. The resort's two night clubs are Lighthouse, by the harbor, and Oxyd on the edge of town - a large open air venue with a laser show and swimming pool.
An excursion to Kursunlu waterfalls makes a refreshing change from the heat of the beach, and the Manavgat waterfalls and river are close by and well worth a visit.

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