
Manavgat , Beskonak , Koprulu Canyon

On the Mediterranean when you take the Alanya highway and drive to Northeast of Antalya, at the turn off for Tasagil, is the scenic route that leads to the Koprülü Canyon National Park . The twisting road crisscrosses over mountain streams and passes through Virgin forests. It is often a slow drive as the view at every turn is more beautiful than the last. The park, 92 km from Antalya , is the valley of wild beauty rich in flora and fauna. The canyon stretches for 14 km along the Koprü River and is 400 meters deep in some places. The Roman Oluk Bridge , which spans the canyon, and the Bugrum Bridge over the Kocadere stream, are engineering feats of antiquity. From this park you can make two possible excursions to the ancient city of Selge and to the Dedegol Mountains . Dedegol, the highest peak in this mountain range rises to 2,992 meters. An important city of ancient Pisidia, Altinkaya (Selge), northwest of the Koprulu Canyon National Park , is reached by a winding mountain road. Now Canyon is very popular for white river Rafting area make is attractive by the tourists in the Antalya Hotels, and everyday a thousands comes and have Boat rafting tours in the Koprulu Canyon (Beskonak) on the region. Connection of Manavgat province with other centers is only maintained by road. Bus companies within province are maintaining transportation to other cities and provinces from Antalya at west and Alanya at east. Bus companies in Manavgat and Side coaching station, are increasing their bus voyages according to tourist number, which increases during summer months. Alternative minibus voyages are organized from province to Manavgat Waterfalls, Side, Sorgun like visitable places.

Manavgat Waterfall
Waterfall, which are 3 km. north of Manavgat province, have the same name with province. It composes a valuable to see panorama with its high flow on a wide area although it falls from an amazing height. Just near to the waterfalls, you can picnic in the nature and can eat fresh fish in surrounding restaurants.


Side Museum
Hamam of the antic agora, remaining from 5th and 6th century A. D., against the agora, which belongs to Roman Period, is restored on 1960 / 61, and turned into a museum.
Most of the pieces of art exhibited within the Museum, are the findings revealed during the excavations performed between 1947 and 1967 in Side antic city by Prof. Dr. Arif Mufid Mansel. From Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantium Period; inscriptions, gun relieves, Statues, torsos, tombs, portraits, ostotexes, amphorae, altars, tomb stalls, column heads and column pedestals, which are the copies of Greek originals, built in Roman Period, are being exhibited.


Side, which is 7 km. away from Manavgat, is an ancient settlement center. Side, which is mentioned by historians as founded on 1405 A. D., had met with the reigns of Lydian, Persian, Alexander The Great's, Antiogonous's, Ptolemaioses, respectively beginning from the second half of VIth century A. D. After 215 A. D., The city, which is improved under supervision of Syrian Kingdom, and turned into a science and cultural center, had left to Bergama Kingdom on A. D. with Apameia peace, then had protected its independence with Eastern Pamphilya region, and reached to a great richness and prosperity with a huge commercial fleet.
It entered under Byzantium reign after Roman reign after 78 B. C. Side, which was a Bishop center during Vth and VIth centuries, had lived its greatest times during these years.
Main gate of the city, which has a unique labor, is between two towers. There are two main streets in Side province. These streets are samples of columned streets of Ancient Age. After passing city gate, flat stones adorned area is the starting point of this street. There are columned porticos beside both sides of these streets, and shops behind them.
There is a "Nymphaeum", biggest historical fountain of Anatolia, against city gate, outside ramparts. A wide pool place is below this foundation. You can reach to a monumental structure, passing through a street after theater. This building with dimensions of 100x100 m., is an agora. Agora, which is the Bazaar area of the city, is surrounded by porticos and there are shops at three sides of it. There is a Gymnasium, surrounded by porticos and composed of three halls, on the street, south side of the Agora. In the main street at North - south direction, there is an arched structure, constructed during Roman Period. Importance of Side city's theater, in connection with architecture, is its construction on arched places instead of a slope of a hill like other roman theaters.
Theater, which is composed of three divisions, cavea, orchestra and scene, is the biggest and most monumental one among Pamphylia theaters, and has a capacity of 20.000 spectators.
There are wide cemeteries outside of Side's ramparts, and most important one of these, Western Necropolis, is 1,5 km. away. There are also temples and aqueducts in Side. Most important ones of the temples are Athena, Apollon and Men temples. Water of side is brought from Dumanli source, within Oymapinar Dam Lake, approximately 25 km. away. This water transportation system is composed of ten aqueducts, of which some of them are two layered. Biggest one is near to Oymapinar and has 40 specs.
A huge Roman Hamam is turned into a museum, and hosts for most beautiful archeological pieces of art collection of the region. The city, which is reigned by Seljukians during XIIIth century, Hamitogullari and Tekeliogullari during XIVth century, and finally Ottoman Empire during XVth century, was not a settlement during this period.
Although most parts of the city ramparts, which are holding structure and characteristics of Roman and Byzantium periods, has been demolished today, nearly all of the ramparts at land side had remained.

You can reach to Selge, which is an ancient mountain city, near to Kopru Stream (Eurymdon) at south slope of Toroslar, 35 km. north of Serik, from a 14 km. stabilized road with steep bends after Koprulu Canyon National Park. There are engraved rocks, coverin whole slope of the mountain and similar to Fairy Chimneys at Goreme on the road passing from koprulu canyon, which is very rich in connection to natural beauty.
City, which was belong to Psidia and then taken into Pampheylia territories, had been reigned by Lydia, Persia, Alexander the Great and Roman governments, respectively.
It is theater with 5 gates and 45 stairs at north is an important monument. At the south of rock engraved theater, stadium and gymnasium, and at west a Ionian type temple, whose ceiling is adorned with eagle décor, draws the attention. At the south of the stadium, there are Fountain and Agora. At the north of the ramparts lying southwest of the city, Artemis and Zeus monuments as well as necropolis present.

This antique city, which is 23 km. northeast of Side, and one hour away from Sinler Village by foot, is founded by Selevkos. There is a very beautiful natural appearance of the antic city, which is especially adorned with pine forests. From the city, which is placed on a hill, you can see all plains and sea.
Two storey agora, basilica, cistern and sewerage system can be mentioned as the sign of development of the city. Mosaics, which are revealed during the city excavations, are exhibited in Antalya Museum today.

Etenna, which is 29 km. north of Manavgat, is founded on the hill, which is at the upper part of today's Sirt Village. At the top of the city, which is thought as a bishop center during Byzantium period, there is an Acropolis, which is composed of terraces surrounded by ramparts, and at the best preserved and highest slopes of the city. There is a Herron (a tomb for an exalted person) at the south of the city. Basilica, agora, church, hamam and cisterns are important historical ruins other than these.

Alara Inn
When you go 9 km. to the west after Manavgat, you can reach to Alara Inn. It is constructed on 13th century, by Seljukians for maintaining commercial connection between capital city of south coasts, Alanya and Konya. This maintained the people, who were traveling with caravansaries and merchants for spending the night and rest securely and comfortably.

High Plateaus
There are lots of plateaus on the Toros Mountains, which is divided into two by Koprucayi Valley.
Most important ones are Guglenpinar and Beloluk Plateaus, Avanos Beligi, in Tefekli Region, Gucer Plateau, Kesikbeli, Akcaalan Plateau, Topalceviz, Alic and Demre Plateaus, Dumanli Plateau as well as at the feet of the Bozburun Mountain Ikiz Plateau. Most of the villagers are going to the plateaus for summer.


Koprulu Canyon National Park


Jeep - Safari
Tourism agencies in Antalya, Kemer, Side and Alanya are organizing Jeep Safari tours to Toros mountains. Daily tours are beginning at the early hours of the days, and continue till to the night with experiencing Offroad emotion.

Horse Riding
There are wide areas for horse riding in some hotels. There are English, Arab and Haflinger horses. Horse riding and jumping courses are performed for hourly or daily visits. Meanwhile, tours through river or to mountains are organized for minimum three days and maximum seven days.

Koprucay, Manavgat and Dragon rivers, as well as Cehennem Stream are perfect routes for rafting.

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